For these of you not accustomed to the foundations about Mexican auto insurance, right here is your crash course. Mexican authorities, which means the Mexican police and the Mexican court docket system, don’t acknowledge US or Canadian car insurance. At a naked minimal, you could get a Mexican legal responsibility auto insurance coverage to pay for damages you would possibly trigger to third events. Should you shouldn’t have legal responsibility insurance that’s underwritten by a Mexican insurance company, you may face a real nightmare when you have been concerned in a visitors accident. In case you are in a visitors accident in Mexico and you can’t show that you would be able to pay for the damages you prompted to a third occasion with a Mexican insurance coverage, there’s a good chance that your car will probably be impounded and you’ll be detained till you provide you with the funds to pay for the damages. All of this trouble will be prevented when you have a Mexican legal responsibility insurance coverage that demonstrates your means to pay for the damages. So at all times buy a Mexican insurance coverage earlier than you drive your car into Mexico.
OK – So now that you just perceive that you could get a Mexican RV insurance coverage, you at the moment are most likely questioning the place to buy this insurance, and what protection do you really need. This text provides you with a street map of how to buy your Mexico RV insurance.
Is your RV registered within the US or Canada?
This really could make an enormous distinction within the choices accessible to you for insuring you RV in Mexico. Many US RV insurance corporations have not too long ago launched particular RV insurance packages which really prolong bodily injury and theft insurance protection in to Mexico. Sorry Canadians, right now there aren’t any Canadian RV insurance corporations who prolong any sort of RV insurance protection into Mexico, however maybe it will change sooner or later. Till then, this portion of the article solely applies to US registered RVs.